Merb, the mighty challenger to the current Rails domination of the Ruby web framework conversation, races towards "getting very close to being stable api wise". That sounds like a 1.0 release to me!
Ezra says that the
0.9.1 developer release is ready to take thru its paces. One area where Merb really differs from Ruby on Rails is how Merb is based off of RubyGems. The refactored Merb architecture takes the Merb modularity to a massive 16 gems. You can really pick and choose what you want to include in your application.
Luckily for the very lazy, or the undecided, there is a Merb gem that will install everything for you. All you have to do is:
sudo gem install merb -y --source
And away you go! Unfortunately, "you should uninstall all of your old Merb gems before you install the new version" but that is not so bad. If you have been Merbing for while, you are not afraid to get your hands a little dirty. And if not, Merb 1.0 (dare I say it?) is right around the corner.